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Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:54 am
by Laurels
Alba was about to get her answer from Caedyn when a phantom appeared. Suddenly an arm moved between Caedyn and Alba, followed by a loud bang. Caedyn fell to the ground with a hole in her head and a scream from Alba's mouth. Alba blinked, and realized it was Fiyori. Fiyori was alive after all, and she killed Caedyn.

Alba let out a massive sigh before lowering the rifle and rubbing her head with her free hand. All that tension poured out of her body with a several quick exhalations. She would have fallen to her knees in relief, but then realized there was still the matter of Fiyori.

"Oh god," Alba blurted. "Fi, are you okay?"

Alba looked at Fiyori. Even if she killed Caedyn, Fiyori was still shot and bleeding out. They needed to be quick.

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:55 am
by Riki
"Feeling better than ever."

You wouldn't notice it by looking at her, what with the bleeding on her side. But no, she did feel it. She felt the bleeding, and she felt it better than ever. The bleeding, the ache of her scar on the face. The blood on the glasses rims. The heavy breathing in her and the trembling hunger within. Alba's shock on her face, the dampness of the room and the growing stench of Caedyn's innards flowing out.

All of it, so vibrant, so colourful. So alive.

Fiyori gave Caedyn a last glance. It was the final thanks she would offer that girl.

"Still, since you're here, would you be so kind to help me patch myself up?"

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:55 am
by Laurels
"Oh, crap, yeah," Alba said, looking at Fiyori's wound. "Go lie down. I'll do what I can."

Alba shifted the rifle to her other hand and lowered her bags to her hand. She then looked around the room. There was an operating table she could lay Fiyori on, but she still had some concerns. Alba had done a pretty awkward job patching up Brendan when Jae shot him the first time. Sure she was aiming for veterinarian school, but this might be a lot more complicated than what she was used to.

Plus, there was the matter of two loud gunshots going off in the basement of a creepy asylum. Alba looked around the room and noticed one of the broken chairs lying in the corner. She quickly walked over and dropped the rifle and bags on the floor by the operating table.

"One second," she told Fiyori.

She hurried over to the wooden chair and grabbed it by the leg. She tilted it, lying it on its side and put her foot on the base of the chair. With a few forceful tugs and stomps, the leg came free. She then hurried over to the lab doors and pulled them shut, putting the chair leg between the handles.

"Sorry, that was for my sake," she said to Fiyori.

She then hurried back over to Fiyori. She knelt to the ground and opened up Kaitlyn's bag, pulling her first aid kit out. Alba had used her assigned kit for most of the time here, but Kaitlyn's was probably still untouched.

She stood beside Fiyori and began to open the kit up.

"Alright," Alba quickly said. "I have a vague idea of what to do: pull the bullet out, if I can, then clean the wound with alcohol, then sew it up. Anything I might be missing?"

Alba felt her jaw shake a bit. This was going to be messy.

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:55 am
by Riki
"I could use manicure, and a pedicure too. Maybe a full-body massage with an happy end?"

Fiyori gave Alba a wink. She didn't feel the wound at all. At least, not as something that hurt. There was just some blood doing out and it felt amazing.

"Seriously though, keep the bullet in. Don't take this wrong, but I don't want you to fuck it up."

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:56 am
by Laurels
Alba waited as Fiyori made her joke, and then asked her to leave the bullet in. She was glad Fiyori as handling this better than she was right now. She didn't know why she'd want to leave the bullet in, but perhaps Fiyori didn't trust Alba to pry her open and dig in deep through all the muscle to get a small piece of metal out.

"Okay. Bullet stays in. Got it," Alba said.

Alba unzipped her hoodie and removed it, tossing it onto the floor beside her. She reached into the kit and grabbed the alcohol wipes, taking one out.

"Alright. Sorry in advance for this."

Alba lifted Fiyori's shirt a bit, revealing the wound. She then pressed the wipe to the wound, watching as the wipe started to change colors. She began to wipe, praying that was enough to sterilize the wound. Granted, Brendan never got gangrene (or at least never told her he got it), so this was probably what she should be doing now.

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:56 am
by Riki
Fiyori gave Alba a bemused smile. She watched as Alba removed her hoodie, as she took the kit and took out the wipes and then- ow ow ow ow- that one hurt like a bitch. Fiyori hissed, groaned and her fingers pressed against the operating table. It was really painful, but Fiyori never wanted it to stop. That pain signified her survival, and that was enough to keep her loving the sensation.

"You've helped Brendan like this, eh?" Fiyori managed to blurt out.

She wondered if he had enjoyed it like she did, but decided not to breach the subject. Though, it made her feel a bit more comfortable. She was ready for the stitch.

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:56 am
by Laurels
"Yeah. The day we first met here, I had to do this to him when Jae shot him."

Alba finished wiping and put the wipe down. She then began to reach into the kit to get the needle and thread.

"It was the first time I had ever done something like this, but he trusted me to do it and do it right."

Alba began to thread the needle. She started to feel her eyes well up thinking about Brendan. She let out a sigh. She had to focus.

"Alright," she said, getting the needle ready to puncture Fiyori's skin. "Let's try this again."

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:56 am
by Riki
Fiyori still felt it was not a good idea for them to stick together. Even if having Alba around was convenient. Regardless of all these facts, Fiyori's eyes met Alba's. And with the nearby hand, Fiyori grasped Alba's wrist.

She held it like that for a moment.

Then she let go, and watched the ceiling.

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:56 am
by Laurels
"Okay, that should be it."

Alba finished wrapping the bandage around Fiyori's torso. She had spent the last few minutes working carefully to stitch the wound and wrap a bandage. She had to hope that it would stay shut, or that the pressure would keep it from bleeding. Whatever it was, Fiyori would have to be careful for the rest of her time here.

"Um, how are you feeling?" Alba asked, looking over at Fiyori.

She then looked down at her hands. They were covered in Fiyori's blood, mixed with all the grime and dirt of the last few days. Now she was wishing she had washed them before operating.

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:57 am
by Riki
Fiyori's legs dangled over the edge of the table. One hand rested on her chin, while the other pressed against the bandage.

So, how did she feel? Well, pretty great for starters but that was already something she mentioned. Once or twice. To herself and Alba. What could she add to what had already been added?

Fiyori eyed Alba's hands.

"You know, I heard you speak to Caedyn."

She waited for a moment.

"I actually do not think she was in the wrong."

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:57 am
by Laurels
Alba looked up from her hands when Fiyori spoke. Fiyori said she agreed with the way Caedyn acted. Alba was surprised, but remained silent for a bit. They were getting down to the nitty gritty, so it shouldn't be so surprising that people would be willing to take whatever advantage they had to kill their opponents.

Alba hung her head a bit.

"Were you going to do the same?"

Alba sighed a bit and wiped the blood off her hands onto the operating table.

"Were you actually going to have a duel with her, or were you just trying to put her in a false sense of security and shoot her while her back was turned?"

Alba looked back to Fiyori.

"Fiyori...were you expecting to die?"

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:57 am
by Riki
What a loaded question that was. Did Fiyori intent do cheat? Or was it her true wish to duel Caedyn? Well, as a matter of fact - Fiyori did expect Caedyn to cheat. Not as soon she did, but Fiyori knew Caedyn long enough to gift her that naivety. Given that, would it have not been fair and just to equal the odds by counter-cheating? Maybe it would have been so. Maybe it would have not been. After all, there was no one to judge that matter, so it would now forever be unresolved.

Regardless of that, Fiyori had never planned to honor any sort of noble duel. So yes, she did plan to cheat. Truth be told, she didn't quite know how she'd have done that, but that wasn't important either.

Fiyori looked Alba deep into the eyes. Her feet kicked lovingly against her leg.

Alba did manage to touch the issue. And Fiyori felt like sharing her feelings.

"It was a natural danger, but yes, I had expected to be dying. It was exactly what I needed."

She eyes Alba further, biting herself into the lips.

"You can't say I didn't warn you this would be a bad idea.

", I'm gonna ask you for our next plans, but I got something in mind already."

Fiyori gave Alba a knowing smile.

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:58 am
by Laurels
Alba listened to Fiyori's response, taking in the time between each tap against her leg. It looked like Fiyori did have awareness of what she did, and reminded Alba that she chose to come after Fiyori. Alba couldn't deny that.

"Yeah, I guess I did chose to come along," she said. "I really should have known better, but I won't make that mistake again."

Alba looked up at Fiyori.

"What do you have in mind?"

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:58 am
by Riki
"Find Min-Jae and kill him."

Re: The Ten Duel Commandments

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:58 am
by Laurels
"Oh, that."

Alba looked down at the floor, then over to Caedyn's body. Caedyn didn't want to listen or reason, and she was prepared to kill them for nothing. It really was just like Kaitlyn, and once again, Alba didn't have the nerve to just fire at Caedyn the minute Fiyori was shot. Jae probably was going to keep killing too. If Jae shot Fiyori like he did Brendan, was she just going to stand and watch it happen?

Alba closed her eyes and sighed.


She opened her eyes and looked at Fiyori.

"He's probably going to keep killing, just like Caedyn. If you want to find him, I'll go with you. After what happened with Brendan, I probably should say a few things to him before he dies."