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A relatively ordinary one-room school building located in the center of the island. A few desks are off to the side, due to the fact that they were hacked to pieces by some sort of weapon in the last SOTF ACT. Other than that, everything is nice and orderly.
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Post by Theseus† »

Jeremy stood outside the school, he decided not to go in with the rest of the group. He was going to stand outside and keep watch, he didn't want to go in, the more people who rushed in the greater the risk was. Jeremy turned to Mallory and said to her request, "I know you want to go in with Glenn, but Glenn would want you to be safe out here, whatever is in there might be a threat and Glenn and everyone else who went inside might be in danger, it would be best if the rest of us stayed out here and kept watch." Jeremy gripped his bloody sickle though, just incase.....just incase.....
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Post by MooCow* »

Aiden gingerly approached the fainted girl...

...'poor thing'...

He gave her a little nudge, "hello, are you okay, we're not gonna hurt you." He hoped she would respond... in any way at all.
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Post by Sephy† »

Dai stood close to Aiden, waiting to see if the fainted girl would wake up.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Mallory looked at Jeremy blankly. His words were true, of course; the more people that were inside, the unsafer they would all be, but still she couldn't deny the slight pain she felt inside her stomach. The fact that Glenn was in the building, potentially unsafe. If anything should happen to him...

No. It wouldn't. The chances were too small. Even if there was someone in there, Aiden, Heather and Daisuke were in there as well, they had just as much chance of getting hurt. Why would they go for Glenn? Feeling slightly guilty, she thought about how she'd rather the other three got hurt, even killed, so that Glenn would escape unharmed.

Rather pathetically, she hobbled over to where Jeremy was stood, dragging her injured leg slightly. She felt slightly more calm but still had a nagging worry in her mind. Trying not to think about what she'd do if anything happened to Glenn, she looked up at him.

"Keep watch? How exactly am I supposed to keep watch with these?" Looking at his sickle, she felt slightly sick at the sight of her own blood giving it a reddy brown sheen.
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Post by Theseus† »

Jeremy turned to mallory, "Well, whatever is going on inside that school, it can't be nothing to bad, I didn't hear any sort of a struggle or gunshots. As for keeping watch.....I don't know, just keep an eye on the woods....we're not in the most safest of spots right now, and i'm almost positive if a group like us could band together, there are many more groups banding together on this island, and some may be more dangerous than others, and if one of those groups decided they wanted this school..." Jeremy stopped. He didn't want to scare Mallory, and he didn't want to scare himself, which he was doing. He just smiled at her his old smile and said, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe out here until Glenn comes out and tells us it's all clear in the school."
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Post by Kuze* »

"ow whos kicking me"

Eh-Sun's eyes slowly opened to see two boys holding handguns standing over her. Her eyes widened, Switching on the cattle prod that had been in her hands the entire time, she pushed the tip towards the boy closest to her, aiming for the thigh.

Not looking if she actually hit or not, Eh-Sun grabbed her bag from underneith her and darted out the door avoiding whoever was in her way. Blatently ignoring the boy who was standing watch she ran into the distance not knowing where she'd end up

(continued elsewhere thanks to the lack of rememering who was where, and no Heather post)
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Post by Theseus† »

Jeremy saw a girl running out of the school, completely ignoring Jeremy and mallory the girl dissapeared and Jeremy watched in awe. Quickly turning around to face the school thousands of thoughts were running through his mind. What had happened in there? what's going on? Is anyone hurt? Who was that girl? Jeremy wanted to go in and make sure everyone was ok, to see what was going on, but he knew he had so stay outside, to keep Mallory safe for Glenn, to make sure no one was coming to the school. Jeremy was now gripping his sickle tighter than ever, his face red, his heart was begining to slow down.....he was trying to calm down.
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Post by riserugu† »

Glenn had to admit he was a little more than surprised when the fainted girl suddenly sprang back to life, and lashed out at them with the weapon he hadn’t noticed she had been holding. The urge to electricity coming from the weapon, though not directed toward him sent him jumping back in an attempt to keep from harm’s way, though as he did and the girl ran past sent him tripping over his own feet, and onto the ground. His pistol bouncing from his hands, and landing a foot or so away…

Muttering curses lightly, the young man slowly moved to sit up a bit, rubbing the back of his head where it had come in connect with the opposite wall. Sighing a bit, as he glanced about at the other two boys and Heather, “Meh… you lot alright over there?”
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Post by Swoosh* »

Mallory's eyes widened as the girl rushed past them. She wanted to stop her, to ask her what had happened, if they were all safe in the building, but the girl was too fast for her. As she disappeared off into the woods, Mallory turned back to face Jeremy, nothing short of panic displayed on her face.

"What was that you were saying?? That girl could have killed Gl- some of the people in there! They could be dead! You can't still seriously be thinking about staying out here and keeping watch??" her voice was frantic. Grabbing Jeremy's arm, she tugged it hard, but to no effect- Jeremy didn't just look bulky, he was. And especially in her current state, her tugging was entirely futile.

Abandoning that idea, she called out. Perhaps a foolish idea, but she didn't stop to think about the consequences could be.

"Guys! Are you OK in there??"
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Post by Theseus† »

((bulky lol? are you calling Jeremy fat! *gasp* j/k j/k))

Jeremy continued to stand there, even after having Mallory desperately tug at his arm, she was obviously worried about Glenn, and so was Jeremy, but he wouldn't risk Mallory or the group by going in there, that killer with the machine gun could come back from outside when they were in there.....or if there was a killer in there Jeremy and Mallory would be walking to their deaths. No Jeremy wasn't going to risk lives like that.

Jeremy then listened as Mallory shouted inside the building, well....it would be the best way to see if they were ok in there....but she had just given out their positions to anyone in earshot, not that it mattered now. Jeremy said to Mallory, "I'm sorry, I'm not going to risk your life, or their lives by going in there. Staying out here is not only going to help keep them safe, but us. Don't worry.....I don't know who that girl was but I didn't hear anything, so I'm sure they are safe."
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Post by Bloody_Fists† »

Stevan was surprised that no one had really aknoledged his presence yet, instead they were all too worried about a terrified passed out girl.

He sat up straight and took a drag from his cigarette. The flare on the cherry lit his face for a moment. "Boo!"
Smoke was realised as he spoke to alarm the group that he was there, they would of found anyway, may aswell get it over and done with.

He slowly reached over for his gun. He grabbed it by the barrel and the other hand gripped the stock, his fingers wrapped itself around the trigger.
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Post by MooCow* »

Aiden slowly recovered from the shock of the cattle prod's shock, "whoa." :blink:
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Post by Sephy† »

Dai watched in confusion as the girl rushed past, hearing Aiden make a noise, but not paying attention, his head spun, why did he keep zoing out? things were making no sense, he wasn't safe here, the thoughts he was having..~what's happening to me??~

His head throbbed and he felt sick, suddenly, he turned and ran out of the building, past the gourp of people stood outside, and off into the undergrowth.

((continued in...uuhh the woods I think, pickle you coming? gotta kill Dai off today >_<)
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

((Continued from: The Adventure of Meatboy))

On his little travels the saber would have oncemore been slipped into the strap near the side of his bag the blade pointing towards the ground and the well carved handle pointing up towards the sky.The weapon was most fun but if it came to it he would have rather placed his faith in one of his firearms and so the weapon had been oncemore placed against his bag and the Ingram had been brought up into his hands.

The thoughts of the greasy looking male student had been pushed away from his mind along with the beheaded fat kid.He had done what he needed maybe he had even dealt out some mercy and it was for the best.One hand was wrapped around the trigger of the Ingram while the other pulled the branches out of his way.

The chatter of new students, new prey would pull him from what thoughts he had been playing with on the inside of his head.Three? maybe four diffrent voices he could catch? He moved to a crouch and took a few steps being careful to stay within the treeline he would find himself a nice cool place in the shadow of a tall oak tree.

There he stood watching towards the school,he wasnt far from it maybe a few feet of open ground before the brickwork would be found.There he stood in the darkness with his semi-automatic weapon clutched and that grinn on his face.
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Post by riserugu† »

Glenn blinked first at the sight of the both Daisuke and Aiden taking off without much of a warning, gulping loudly as he glanced back noting that the figure he figured to be alive was indeed alive. Frowning to himself as the other spoke, the younger Hughes twin hurriedly pushed himself onto his feet and grabbing at his gun before turning and rushing from where he had came from. Jogging quickly up to Mallory and Jeremy, looking them both over briefly as to check to make sure nothing had happened, before sighing and speaking. “This place… it isn’t safe.” He muttered in a stained voice, glancing back to the school. “I think we should leave and try to find Fred –“

As soon as those words left his mouth, Glenn felt himself freezing up. A sick feeling washing over him, as he swayed a bit before forcing himself to stand still mind still wondering as too what was befalling him. ‘I don’t think it’s me… unless I’m still dizzy from the blood loss… but it just feels like something else is very wrong. And my chest is hurting me so much now…’ He muttered to himself in thought, thumb rubbing an area along his chest as he awaited the other two’s answers, glancing back over his shoulder to the school every so often.
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