Hayashibara Heartbreak

Day 3, Morning; One-shot

Unlike the east side of the village, the west side of the housing has remained in much the same condition it was left in. The houses here are all in the same state as they were when they were first built, the identical houses all sitting in identical rows with the only difference being their color. The interior of the houses all share the same layout, with a shared living area/kitchen and a separate bedroom. The state of these rooms is surprisingly clean and consistent throughout the western side of the village as well, with all the beds appearing to have been made and the houses tidied, with chairs tucked into the kitchen table before the residents departed.

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Hayashibara Heartbreak


Post by Ryuki »

(Yuki Hayashibara, continued from I’m a Fxcking Unicorn)

After a day of walking and searching, Yuki had become fatigued. According to her map, she had arrived at the village. The village was rather quiet, with only the sounds of distant nature filling the eerie atmosphere. Realizing the change in weather, Yuki ducked into one of the nearby houses. Cautiously, she opened the door, but the house was thankfully empty.

Yuki sat on the bed in the adjacent room, preparing her meal of crackers, bread, and water. She missed her mother’s cooking. What was she doing back home? Were her parents thinking about them? How were they dealing with abduction of their daughters? How was anyone to deal with their children being abducted? As those thoughts swirled in her head, she finished rationing her meal and clapped her hands together.

“Itadakimasu,” Yuki said softly before eating.

Yuki awoke to the sound of the announcements. With dread eating up her insides, she anticipated the worst news. Every name of every student, killer and victim, made her more and more uneasy. Such good people, surely, had been killed by those who they once called fellow classmates. This was a twisted situation.

It wasn’t until the last two parts that gave Yuki a shock. First, Kelly Nyguen, a girl Yuki had roomed with during the school trip, had killed Mercy Ames. What happened to make Kelly do such a thing? When she had talked to Kelly, Yuki thought she was a nice person. And now apparently, Kelly did something to Mercy’s food that killed her. Did she poison Mercy? How could she do that?

The final part shook her the most. Caroline, whom Yuki had met and searched for on the first day, killed Regina Petrov. On top of that, Caroline had her collar blown for tampering with the cameras. Poor girl, if only they’d found her sooner. Maybe they could’ve prevented what had happened. A tear flowed down the side of Yuki’s cheek. While Caroline’s actions, or every other killer’s actions, were inexcusable, Yuki blamed the terrorists running the show for putting everyone up to this.

On the plus side, Yuka’s name hadn’t been mentioned, meaning there’s a chance she’s still alive. After taking a moment to gather her things, Yuki took a step outside the house. It appeared the rain had not stopped. No matter, Yuki steeled herself up to continue her quest for her lost sister.

(Yuki Hayashibara, continued elsewhere...)
[+] V7
Image B018: Ned Jackson- That’s All Folks
Image G039: Yuki Hayashibara- Family is Forever
Image B034: Zachary Beck- Guess I’ll Die
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