Shattered Portraits


Along the southern border of the island lies an old farmhouse. It's a quiet and quaint place nicely suited for those who would rather hide than fight. Behind the old farmhouse lies a vast sea of cornfields that always seem to sway eerily in the breeze. Watch yourself here, who knows who will be lurking within the sea of cornstalks.
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Shattered Portraits


Post by Megami† »

((Continued from Shades of Grey, Redeux))

Ali Grayston could barely hear herself think above the incessant music blaring throughout the Edwards' household.  Even now, as she stood in the upstairs bathroom readjusting the plethora of cosmetics covering her face, she could hear the nonstop booming of the large speakers downstairs, droning out some monotonous rap song.  She never had been a fan of rap music, anyway.  Still, everybody who was anybody attended Andy Edwards's parties.  They always seemed to wind up as the social event of the year.

Of course, the fact that her newest... boytoy, as it were... had requested her presence at the party was even more incentive to go.  Just like with almost any other social outing she ever attended, though, the remainder of the Sisterhood girls had followed in tow.  She was quickly reminded of this fact as a light rapping echoed off of the bathroom door before it burst open and Sera Wingfield bounced through the door.

"Aliii!" Sera called playfully, drooping her hands lightly over the brunette's shoulders.

"Mm?" Ali responded disinterestedly, her eyes still transfixed on the mirror in front of her as she attempted to reapply her lipstick.

"You didn't tell me he had a twin brother!" Sera exclaimed excitedly.

"He" was Colton Valero, formerly mentioned as Ali's latest boytoy.  Of course she hadn't mentioned anything about Colt's twin brother.  She didn't even know he had a brother if the truth were told.  She didn't really know all that much about him at all, save for the fact that he was quite attractive.  Besides, she didn't need to know much about them.  As far as Ali was concerned, the majority of men were simply fixtures to enhance one's appearance.  Colton certainly fell into that category.

He was easy on the eyes, she'd give him that much.  He was probably using her for the exact same reason, anyway.  A status symbol, a conversation piece... no matter how she really felt about her current "relationship", she kept coming to the conclusion that Colton simply failed in comparison to a certain other.  However, as her gaze finally turned itself on Sera, Ali could only place on the seemingly flawless faux smile and nod her head slightly.  Sera didn't seem to see past the facade.

"Well?  Aren't you going to introduce me?"

Once again, Ali Grayston found herself transfixed on the image staring back at her through the bathroom mirror.  However, the person she saw looking back was a very, very different one.  Normally flawless locks appeared straggly and unkempt after being doused in the park's fountain.  Makeup that had been skillfully placed just so ran across her face in smears.  She sighed audibly at the mess that stared back at her through the mirror.  Competition or not, it was very unbecoming.

And so, despite herself, Ali subconsciously dug through her personal effects, extracting the makeup kit that never left her side and the hairbrush that was tucked within.  The bathroom of the small farmhouse was quaint in nature, but still had the basic amenities of every bathroom.  A stack of rags sat on the shelf above the toilet, seemingly untouched.  Ali reached over, grabbing one of the washcloths and dousing it with water from the tap before scrubbing the excess makeup from her face.

The farm was quiet and tranquil, and she hadn't heard a single noise since she stepped foot in the house and locked the doors.  After the near-death experience she'd just had in the park, it was a nice feeling, and it helped Ali to wind down, if only a little bit.  Almost subconsciously, she began reapplying the makeup that had been placed on in a daily ritual since she was young.  Within the next fifteen minutes, Ali Grayston once again looked like herself instead of a drowned rat.

After grabbing her pack, Ali strode into the living room of the quaint abode and dropped her pack on the couch.  Exhaustion was taking its toll on her, as was hunger.  It was well into the second day on the island by now, and she was already having trouble maintaining herself.  If she could just sleep... just for a little while... things would be okay.  However, fear kept her from closing her eyes, namely, the fear that she wouldn't wake up again.  Ali flopped down on the sofa, her pack located within arm's reach lest she be greeted with some uninvited visitors.  She felt herself slipping away, but still, her eyes remained trained on the door.
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Post by riserugu† »

[[ Continued from... somewhere, I'll have to check. o.@;; ]]

Somewhere in the back of his mind Gregg was wondering if there would ever be a chance in him locating Ali, then again there was also the fact that she might not even be on this island, and also there was that same chance that she was and that in it self bothered him. Since he had left the more industrial side of the island he had found himself roaming, unsure of where he should next, if he should simply rest, or try and continue his search. Not just for his friend, but others' as well, someone familiar that he would actually be able to breathe and relax around, because in these two – upcoming three days it had felt as if he hadn't had the chance to breathe at all, simply running on sheer fear and whatever else had kept him from simply falling out in this time.

He wasn't sure where he was wondering now, though mostly keeping it in mind to dodge all forms and then some even close to a danger zone, not quite fond of the thought of ending his stay in the game via collar explosion.

A yawn racked his body as he continued to walk, slightly limp, due to his fall taken sometime earlier in the day trying to scale up a small hill, landing painfully and skinning his shin along a rock imbedded in the earth. Tearing at his jeans, and biting into flesh, the blood now dry staining the area of his jeans in a dull brown color, hardly visible in the depths of the night. Sifting the weight of his daypack from one shoulder to the next, the young man continued his slow pace to the location his mind had decided to lead him too, though formally decided that he really didn't need to know and simply it would be used as a place to rest and regain some strength before everything in his body just decided to give up right there, and collapse, leaving him a lovely open target for anyone that decided to come across him.

Greggory was still rather unsure of where he was being lead, till a familiar sight entered his general view.

And silently in the back of his mind he let a small curse.

Passing through a grove of trees had landed him smack-dab in front of what appeared to be the same cornfield he had awoken in all that time ago. Maybe there was a chance of it being a different one, but he really wouldn't put against it not being. He had a horrid sense of direction that just loved to play at full swing when he really didn't need it too – sighing thought, he rubbed the back of his neck, remembering lightly that the house had been rather quiet and only one person had managed across it in the span of the what – fifteen minutes he had been there, what if someone else had already holed up in there and called it home, or yet, there wasn't any one in there – he deciding sleep was good and then got his throat slit like something out of a bad B-Horror film.

Sighing once more, though, he shook his head; being tried was slowly unwinding his last strings of sanity.

After another few minutes of walking, he came upon the familiar home making his way toward the door he had entered before though blinked when he went to twist the knob and found it locked. Huffing lightly as he lightly slightly at the door, sifting the bag again... this really wasn't turning out for the better in any way shape or form.    
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Post by Megami† »

((Sorry Z, I haven't even been online in like a week.))

How long had she been sitting there, staring blankly at the locked door in front of her?  Minutes?  Hours?  Days?  Time seemed a thing of antiquity that had no place on an island like this.  The only thing that was certain was that soon enough, all but one of them would be dead.  It didn't matter if it was an hour from now, three days from now, or if it happened in the next minute.  From the two announcements that had been booming out over the island's public access system, it was apparent that she was surrounded by murderers, and that the "contestants" of this terrible game were dropping like flies.

The false confidence and hope that Ali had held with her during her waking moments in the cemetary of that run-down church were slowly beginning to fade into obscurity.  She had been so certain that her knight in shining armor would come to save her... to take her away from this bad dream turned reality called Survival of the Fittest.  But this wasn't a time to believe in fairy tales.  How many people were on this island?  How many were doomed to die by the hand of someone their own age?  Was this what war felt like?  In a way, this was a war, this island the battleground.

And we're the soldiers, it seems.

She had never been the violent type.  Malicious, sure, spiteful and vindictive even, at times... but fighting hadn't ever been Ali Grayston's forté, so to speak.  Never in her wildest dreams did it occur to her that somebody she had relentlessly tortured and tormented throughout the entirety of her high school career would come back seeking vengeance on her.  Never once did it cross her mind that somebody like Tanesha Lexx would opt to fight back on a whole 'nother level and attempt to drown her in a fountain.  Then again, stranger things had happened.

In the next instant, her heart stopped.

The unmistakable rattling of the front doorknob seemed to echo through the empty house as though someone were pounding on a drum.  Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that she wouldn't be alone forever in her little sanctuary.  She knew that someone would inevitably find her, and they had.  Two days ago, Ali Grayston would've thrown open the door to whoever might've stood outside, seeking companionship.  Now, however, after nearly having drowned at the hands of one of her own classmates, Ali was a lot more hesitant to approach that door.

Warily, she rose to her feet, her eyes never leaving the door and whatever horror it might hold behind it.  In a way, she couldn't help but laugh at herself for her reaction.  Part of her, though, wouldn't let go of the images of shoddy horror movies she'd watched in the past.  Part of her screamed as she continued her approach to the door, forewarning her of the danger that might be behind it.  Even the peephole set in the worn door seemed menacing, and Ali couldn't help but think that if she looked through it, she'd see a psychopath with a chainsaw standing on the other side of the door.

What she didn't expect to see was the figure that stood illuminated in the pale moonlight on the other side of the door.

There's no way... it can't be.

Despite herself, the sole word slipped from her lips, breaking the foreboding silence the house had previously offered.


Her hand reluctantly reached up to the doorknob, leaving it locked, holding it tightly in her grasp.

I must be dreaming... get a grip, Ali.
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Post by riserugu† »

(( Sorry this took me so long, life sucks. Image ))

Gregg slightly brought a hand to rub at the back of his sun burnt neck, pondering over where he could head now to give him the chance to catch a few hours of sleep before the sun came back up. Though truth be told he didn't feel like moving anywhere at all, simply just dropping right there and now on that little porch of sorts would have been more than enough for the young male. He certainly didn't want to have to go through that rocky area of land again, the cut on his leg stinging just simply at the thought of having to go through there again, so he found himself in a world of pondering.

Whoever had been in the house, or was still in there he had to remind himself, had did a smashing job of locking the place up – he didn't know what could lying on the other side of that door a helpless student from one of the schools trapped on this island or a crazed loony with a shotgun waiting to blast shells into him till the point of him being hardly looking like his former self.

The thought caused him to shudder as he allowed the arm to drop back along his side...

Silence seemed to be deafening on this island, no birds, no bugs... hardly anything could be heard, it was almost as if they had fled for their lives as well when this all begun, perhaps understanding the situation better than they where – or at least him. Out of all the states in their grand little nation, they go one state down from where the last big attack took place and instead of hitting only one school decided to try their hand at multiple schools all within walking distance of one another. He couldn't figure out what this guy was trying to prove, that no one could stop him perhaps? Sure pulled a fast one on their government, once again he had them in the palm of his hand and Greggory found himself with the dreading feeling that their governments' attempts at rescue would go over as well as last time.

Meaning not happening at all...

In the last game they had tormented the governments of several countries all over the world, and now he was simply focusing on one. There had been talk on the news and on the radio over what the ringleader of all this plan was, what this Danya truly was trying to prove in doing this. In kidnapping teenagers and forcing them against one another in a death match that would only leave one standing in the end. The thought brought a harsh taste to Gregg's mouth, and he allowed a hand to rest against his head in a meek manner, was he trying to prove he was the one in control and that no matter how much the government boasted that they'd do something, they'd do something to save them, nothing would ever come.

And they would find themselves barred and locked in this horrid game until that final kid came out, much like the last one... Adam something or the other, he hadn't heard much about the winner since the actually game had ended, it had been awkward to watch on the news with his parents about how this kid – his age at that, had survived all this time and killed his way till the end, till he came out on top of the others' and found himself declared the winner of Survival of the Fittest.

Amongst his thoughts in the silent world, Gregg almost could have sworn he heard the faintest rasp of a voice... unsure though, figuring it just to be his thoughts, he blinked – eyeing the door slowly. Gulping though, he felt unsure of this, though at the same time felt the need to do it, gazing over the door as his attention landed on the small circular area for a peep hole of sorts.

Fingers moving lightly, gripping at the hard plastic of the handle of the baton, he slowly found his voice calling out a soft "Hello?"  
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Post by Megami† »

((Life really DOES suck... least this took me under a week, eh?))


Maybe it really WAS him.  Or, maybe, she was getting delusional and was wishing just a little too hard.  Even if that were Gregg Archer standing on the other side of the doorway, what good would it do?  It would just mean that instead of Ali being stuck on an island and forced to fight to the death, it'd be Ali and Gregg stuck on an island and forced to fight to the death, and she had to stop and ask herself which was really the better choice in this scenario.

You've been so bent on getting out of here yourself, Ali.  You keep telling yourself that Daddy is gonna save you, but how much do the odds change if there's two of you?  Three?  What if it IS Gregg, Ali?  What if it IS him, and then you run into Carmen or Sera?  How're you gonna explain that one?  What if you run into another person like... like Tanesha, and they try to kill you.  How are you gonna explain that one to Gregg?

Her hand remained tentatively on the doorknob.  Now that the first shards of light were beginning to trickle out into the darkness, she could better make out the figure standing in front of the door, weapon held at the ready.  For what?  Would he attack her as soon as she opened the door to let him in?  Who's to say that he wouldn't bust her in the face with whatever it was he was holding the second she turned the doorknob?  Silently, Ali wished, for just a moment, that this was all just some terrible nightmare that would end as soon as she turned the doorknob.

Do you really want him to know who you are?  What you do to people?  How you treat them?  You want him to know about your little social cliqué and how you practically eat people at Bathurst alive?  Is that what you want him to know about you, Ali?  All those dirty little secrets, they're going to come out in the open if it is him.  All that dirty laundry is gonna get aired out if he IS standing on the other side of the door.

The nagging little voice in her head was right, of course.  What if it was her dream come true, in some sense, and that was him standing on the other side of that door?  Inevitably, she'd have to face all the inner demons she never wanted him to see.  Gregg didn't know the bad things about Ali.  He didn't know the way she tortured and made fun of the people at her school.  He didn't know how she was pretty much the top of the social food chain, and how she and the Sisterhood crushed anybody and everybody who ever stood in their path.

You can't have the best of both worlds, Ali.

So, she had two choices.  She could open this door now, based on some crazy assumption that she was probably wrong about, and see what came of it, or she could stay barred up in this farmhouse until it became a dangerzone and she was forced to evacuate.  Much to her surprise, as she looked down at her hand, she noticed it was shaking.  The tension of the situation, combined of Ali's fear of the unknown, made her even more hesitant to open that door and embrace whatever was standing outside.

Just... let it be you.  Let it be you, and this'll all be worth it... I'll worry about everything else later.  Just let me have this moment.

A wavering breath escaped her lips as her hand once again touched the doorknob.  Rather than throwing it open, though, Ali's gaze fixated itself back on the peephole.  The sun continued to pour over the horizon, slowly, and the symphonic melody that boomed from the speakers next caused her to jump.  She let the announcement ring out and the island return to silence before finally, still hesitantly, she called out to the figure on the other side of the door.

"... Gregg, is that you?"
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Post by riserugu† »

His attention on the door was partly broken when thinning rays of sunlight began to pour out and down onto the island, beginning to clear away the darkness of the island, and though that brought a sense of relief that walking around the island in the cold darkness had caused him to silently shake in fear, wondering when some psycho might jump out and finish him off before he had a chance to blink, he also couldn't help but remember that just because the light was starting to shine down on them – didn't mean the monster of this island where going to disappear, and sure enough he felt his skin prick as the intercom system crackled alive.

Eighteen people, eighteen people had died in the span of a single day...

There had been some part of him that really wanted him to believe that all of this would pass over – that they'd be rescued at that no one would fall into the rules of this cruel and actually play it. But, that thought process had all been thrown at the end of the first day on this island, and it was further destroyed as he listened to the eighteen names be read off as if they where nothing – as if this was just a simple game of hide-and-seek and they where the ones that had lost.

But he had to remind himself, that to these people that had designed this, and held them by stings like a puppet – working in that shadows, to them this was a game, and by the sounds of it, to some of the student trapped on this island thought the same thing as well.

His grip on the baton loosened greatly, letting his arm drop back to his side as he slowly rubbed at his reddened neck... this whole search mission he but himself on, trying to find Ali – he wondered if it was even worth it. Would he actually find her before she was killed, or even still before he was killed by one these heartless killers that where roaming the island, it was starting to seem like a it was a wasted effort and he should instead focus on trying to save himself, instead of worrying about a friend that didn't even seem to –

"... Gregg, is that you?"


Turning on the door, he looked it over, gaping almost – had he really heard what he thought he had... whoever was on the other side of that door knew him, better yet that voice sounded familiar – too familiar and it made heart clench as he had just thought of giving up on even bothering to look for her less that ten seconds ago. He opened his mouth to speak but found his voice trapped in his throat, gulping in a small manner before trying again, taking a step closer to the door and tilting his head in a manner.

"Yeah... it's me..." He found himself saying, breathing in a large breathe. "Ali? Is that really you..."
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Post by Megami† »

Just give me this moment...

For the first time during this game, something finally seemed to be going right for Ali Grayston.  Her heart virtually leapt up into her throat when the figure on the other side of the doorway responded.  Not only did he respond, but it really was him!  There was no hesitation on Ali's part to throw the door of the farmhouse open.  There he was, standing right in front of her.

"I can't believe it's really you..." she uttered quietly, throwing her arms around Gregg's neck before he even had time to react.

It was bittersweet, in a way.  Part of her was thrilled that she'd finally found him.  It was virtually all she'd thought about since her waking moments in the cemetary of that church.  Still, there was a constant dilemma nagging on in the back of her mind.  What if they couldn't escape?  What if they had to run the game?  There were two of them, and only one would make it out alive.

She almost wanted to do something selfless like eliminate herself from the game so that Gregg could win.  Almost.  Even if they made it to the end, though, Ali just didn't think she could bring herself to do it.  She couldn't kill him.  She couldn't kill herself.  All in all, the new set of "what ifs" that entered her mind overshadowed the joy of finding her friend.

Gregg, meanwhile, was astonished to see the very person he had been searching for standing on the other side of the doorway.  He hadn't expected the sudden embrace, and could only offer a loose hug to the brunette currently clenching him tightly.  So, he'd found her.  His expedition across the island to find Ali was officially over.  What now?

"I've been looking all over the place for you!" Gregg exclaimed.

Ali's eyes clenched shut tightly for a moment before she released her friend.  Never in a million years had she expected Gregg to have been searching the island for her.

"You were... looking for me?" she responded quietly, almost startled by the new information.

"Of course I was," Gregg retorted, "You're my friend.  I was worried about you."

"I... oh."

Is that all?

Then again, what had she really expected?  For Gregg to seek her out and confess his undying love to her or something?  This wasn't a fairytale, no matter how many times she tried to persuade herself otherwise.  Still, at least he had been concerned enough about her to search for her.  Maybe that counted for something.  Maybe.

"I'm glad you're alright," she stated simply.

"Me too," he exclaimed, a puzzled look crossing his features after he made the statement, "I mean, I'm glad you're alright."

Ali smiled slightly.  Part of her wanted to continue to hole up in the farmhouse until they were forced to leave, but was it really such a good idea?  The farmhouse was safe, but for how long?  In the next second, someone could barge in wielding an axe or a machine gun or any number of horrible things.  Maybe it was better to stay on the move.  The downpour made her think otherwise momentarily, but it was the nonstop pounding of the rain on the roof that finally persuaded her to evacuate.

"We should get out of here, Gregg.  With the weather being like it is, this place is gonna attract a lot of people, and fast.  I'd rather take my chances out there than have to fend off all sorts of crazies in here."

"Yeah, I suppose," Gregg murmured.  He didn't really want to leave.  He had just got here.  He was tired and hungry and just really wanted to find a place to rest for a while.

Ali gathered up what little belongings she had scattered about the farmhouse and cast a sidelong glance at her newfound companion.  At least now she wasn't alone.  Still, a flood of emotions kept pouring through her mind as she and Gregg set off into the rain.  Maybe she should just... tell him?  It was now or never, no matter how much she wanted to admit that.

But now isn't the time to think about things like that, is it?

Instead, she simply took solace in the fact that she had at least found him.

It must be fate... because in all of this, we've managed to find each other.

((Continued in Under the Summer Rain.))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Megami. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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