The Moon is Laughing at You

5:06 - DAY 3 - THE REC CENTER (Open, PM First)

The residential area used to house the miners, loggers, and mansion staff. Houses, mainly ranch-style and small, are arranged on one half of the U-shaped town. The other side of the U is home to a pub, a grocery store, a small convenience store, and a recreation center containing a gym and a small movie theater.
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Post by blastinus »

George wasn't ashamed to admit that he didn't know entirely what had just happened. People were crying and departing, arguing and yelling, and something or other about a guitar. It was all very very confusing, and it was only with the greatest of hesitation that George set foot inside the building proper. This was especially true, given that a cold-hearted killer, a person who had apparently cooked someone to a golden brown, was...sitting in a corner and crying, and not trying to hurt anyone else in the absolute slightest. She didn't look evil, nor did she look like she was some sort of schemer plotting everyone's destruction. In fact, she looked scared more than anything.

It occurred to George that just because someone showed up in an announcement, it probably didn't give the whole story of what happened to that person. From what he'd seen of Maria, especially given how everyone else reacted to her, she probably had done the act completely by accident or out of necessity, and everyone was blowing it out of proportion. George had been mistaken about people before, and this was no time to start throwing people away for something that had likely not been their fault.

In the time that it took for George to make that observation, quite a few people had pushed past him or left via a different entrance. Clearly, whatever his opinions were on the matter, it mattered a great deal to the people gathered here that one of their friends was a killer. George's eyes narrowed. To think that they were all about to just leave her like that, crying to herself in one part of a boggled the mind.

Well, actually, not everybody had left. The man who had been arguing for Maria was still there, trying to comfort her. Swallowing back the urge in the back of his mind to leave as well, he stepped up to the two of them and said, "Listen, uh...I heard what you said there. Well, not all of it, but I heard enough to think that they might be wrong. So please, if it's okay, tell me what happened." He prayed that he wasn't opening himself up for an attack, but there was a little voice in his head chiding him for thinking that.

People don't just become murderers overnight. There has to be more to this, and I've got to know that first before I jump to conclusions.
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Post by ET.Requiem† »

That's the end of my dream.

Ash could only shake her head in disappointment. This island was killing her on the inside, slowly but surely. And now that her option of escaping was cut off, what else could she do? Becoming a 'player' would horrify her family, but her death would hurt them just as badly. What could she do? Scavenge? Hide?

Hide. There was nothing brave about it, but she couldn't do something like put her pride ahead of her life. And she would only have to kill in self-defence, if even that. Yes, protecting herself in such a lethal way would still disgust the two people she truly cared for. But it was the only option she could see that wasn't something that would stain her soul.

"I apologize. I must leave, too. Take care. Try to escape this island if you can." Ash tried to sound sincere, but this final message seemed only to be a bland farewell from a girl who knew no emotion.

It would have to be good enough. She didn't have much in the way of food and water, but she would have to settle that later. Right now, finding her first secure hiding spot was a necessary task.

She didn't turn back as she left. These people were no longer her allies.

((Ash Morrison continued in Too Late))
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Post by chitoryu12† »

((Due to time constraints imposed by the recent roll, I will be breaking post order to get moving))

Chris paused, turning to look out on the huge space. The rec center was starting to become just as empty as it had been the previous night when they arrived. Soon, silence would be reclaiming the dusty old building once more. Students were all giving their hasty goodbyes and running off to do who-knows-what.

He turned at the sound of the newcomer's voice behind him. "Listen," he said, "uh...I heard what you said there. Well, not all of it, but I heard enough to think that they might be wrong. So please, if it's okay, tell me what happened."

Chris sighed, standing and leaning against the wall next to Maria. He scratched his head, wondering how to best summarize everything.

"Basically, this chick here next to me got into an argument with Phil Ward. I didn't hear what happened, but he tossed her to the ground and started beating the crap out of her. I jumped in and knocked him off, she tried to shoot him with a flare gun, the flare bounced off and hit that Francine chick. That's really about it."

He cleared his throat and looked down at Maria. She looked vulnerable, broken. Like a little girl who lost her parents in the city. He didn't want to leave her.

But he was starting to feel like he had no choice. How would staying with people be any better than going it alone? Within a day of joining Zach Asshole's party, they had all freaked out and broken up for what seemed to Chris like no particular reason. Some of them didn't seem like they were leaving for any purpose other than leaving.

And who says one of these two wasn't about to stab him in the back when he turned around?

And then he looked back at Maria. Saw the tears running down her face, her hair lightly falling over one eye as she sobbed.

Women were a weak point for him. And now he was starting to feel the same emotions welling up that made him pull a leaping punch on the bully-turned-murderer.

Another sigh. As usual.

"This group is dead," he muttered. "I don't have any reason to stay in this dump any more. If you guys wanna follow me, you can go ahead." He looked at the open door, sunlight streaming through and highlighting a patch of blood. He had a Shakespearean sense of foreboding.

"That's all there is to it, you two. Come, or don't. Either way, I'm gone."

Christopher Carlson hiked his daypack onto his shoulder, straightened the brass knuckles glistening on his right hand, and walked out the door for what seemed like the last time.

((Christopher Carlson continued in A Moment Remembered))
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Post by Solitair† »

After Chris explained everything, people kept getting cold feet and leaving anyway. One by one they drifted out of the building like dandelion seeds. It reminded Cassidy of a piece of classical music that she'd heard once before, when she was into that sort of thing. Near the end, the various instruments in the orchestra faded away one by one, gradually making the song weaker until it was just one lonely violin carrying it to its conclusion.

Of all the people who deserted Maria, only a few even noticed Cassidy at all. First there was Dustin (not Duncan, Duncan was still out there somewhere), who just grabbed his guitar and gave her a perfunctory "thanks". "Don't mention it," she mumbled to him, not really caring about it. Then Zach Jamis left to follow Radio Asuka, and Cassidy almost left with them. But Maria was more important. She sat back down next to her despondent friend.

"Cassidy," he said before stepping out, "you ain't such a bad girl. Don't get killed."

"Thanks!" she yelled after him. "Same to you!"

Before long, it was just down to four. There was her and Maria, the guy who defended her, and someone else she didn't remember seeing there before. The first guy explained things again to the second, then went to leave again, though he gave a more polite explanation why than everyone else did. Cassie shook her head.

"I wanna make sure Maria's alright," she said, right before Chris left. She sighed and scooted closer to Maria, putting an arm around her shoulder and staring down at the floor. Then she remembered that other guy.

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Post by Super Llama† »

And now it was just her and Cass, and the third guy who had just showed up and looked understandably confused. Everyone else had all gone their separate ways; Dustin had taken his guitar and then his leave (though at least dispelling the accusation that they had sex, though by now it was too little too late.) The other guy had said something to Cass and then left as well, and the last girl in his group disappeared as well. The boy who had been in the forest with her did his best to console her and explain the situation further, but even he could tell that things were falling apart and went off. Was the new guy going next? Was Cass? Maria found herself cringing a bit. Even with all he dark thoughts floating around in her head, she still didn't want to be alone. Please don't let them leave her all alone...

And then Cass sat next to her, and put an arm around her shoulder, and Maria almost let out a sigh of relief. At least there was her.

"T-thanks..." She said to Cass, leaning in towards her a little bit. And to the new guy. And to the guy who was with her at the forest, even though he was gone already. "I-I..."


{{continued from Fountain of Youth}}

Duncan had to admit that it was a serious pain in the ass hauling Trent all the way here, and after going a ways into the residential district he finally decided to take a break and set him down, setting him up against a nearby building. It was just then that a bunch of people started some kind of mass exodus from a nearby building. Staying out of sight, he counted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, holy shit 6 people, all of them heading off in different directions. Must've been some kind of falling out or something. He thought to himself, still hearing voices from inside the building, two of them sounding familiar...

Wait a minute, is that... Duncan inched over to the front door, peaking his head in to see Maria, huddled against the wall next to Cassidy. The way Maria looked right now, part of Duncan thought that at least she didn't look like she was enjoying what she'd done, while another part quickly jumped on that and started berating him. Oh yeah, it's just a great thing she looks like hell, isn't it?

She looked just like she did when Zach dumped her. No, this was even worse. That spark of energy and perpetual cheer that Maria always seemed to emanate, it was completely gone. Hell, it was so gone it almost looked like it was never there to begin with. Her eyes looked so...empty, like she had her soul sucked right out of her.

"D...D-Duncan?" Maria said in surprise, and cringed, as if she didn't want Duncan looking at her. As he stepped forward, she buried her face in her hands, starting to tremble a bit, fearing what Duncan was going to say, or do, now that he knew what she'd done.

Duncan got down on his knees in front of Maria, and she finally looked at him, obvious fear in her eyes, dreading what was going to come. Duncan had so many things he wanted to say, and ask, about what had happened. But he didn't say any of them.

He just leaned in and pulled Maria into a hug.

Maria was taken by surprise, not sure what to do for a moment. But then, returning for an encore, the tears started to come back, and Maria buried her face against Duncan's shoulder, sobbing again, but this time filled with a sense of relief.

Duncan didn't need to ask; he already knew. Maria wasn't a killer.

And as for Maria, even with the horrible thing she'd done, and all her self-loathing, Cass and Duncan were still there.

She wasn't alone.
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Post by blastinus »

George was quite grateful that Duncan had arrived, because the sudden departure of Chris had sort of dropped the bill on him, as it were. He was sympathetic towards Maria, but he wasn't keen on having her follow him around, seeing as she would make him a target if anybody saw her with him. A man's good nature only extends so far, and it was best for all concerned that they go their separate ways. After all, George still had to find Carly. Who knew what sorts of calamities were befalling her without him around to protect her. After all, there were all sorts of people who were showing up regularly in these announcements.

"Listen, if you guys are okay with her, I need to be going. I'm looking for someone out there, and I need to hurry." Not the best of excuses, but if they didn't expect him to make up a reason for leaving, then they didn't understand patterns that well. "I'll try to find you guys again after I've found Carly, okay? Keep alive."

I hope I stay alive, otherwise they'll be waiting for nothing.

With that, George stepped out through the front door and immediately ran off in a different direction. He had no direction, no clue, and no possible leads, but he was going to find Carly anyway. He would be sure of it.

(George Leidman continued in She Bopped)
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Post by Hallucinojelly† »

((Trent Savage continued from Fountain of Youth))


Hey man, where are you?

I thought you woulda been here by now, but...

Is somethin' up?

You can talk to me, y'know.

You don't have to shut me out all the time.

Horrendous pain.

That was all he could focus on as he ebbed in and out of consciousness.

For a moment he thought he could feel someone carrying him, but that feeling quickly went away. Fleeting feeling though it was, it felt comfortable, like he was starting to get used to being lugged around. Fuck using his legs, he thought, he could hire his own chaperone to walk him around the island. Yeah, that'd be nice. It'd be great not to have to think of trivial things like using his own two feet to get around any more. That'd be the sweet life.

But... why was he being carried around, anyway? Okay, so the first time was his own fault - fucking MOLEHILLS - but what was this all about? Craig and the others were about to get shot into high heaven when all of a sudden our heroic Mr. Savage blustered in and saved the day by cracking that crazy Kronwall round the head with his trusty club-thing. It was an awesome feeling, knowing that he'd single-handedly saved so many lives all with one little blow to the head.

Speaking of which, his own was throbbing like a bastard.

His blood was pumping normally; a little oxygen for you, capillaries, a little bit more for the lung twins, so why was it hurting so god-damn much? Was it the wound from earlier on? Back at the station? Shit, had he fainted again? Did someone steal his- oh they better not have stolen his stuff. He opened his eyes - slowly. The light burnt a little, but his vision soon returned, allowing him to take a proper look around the area.


He recognised this place.

The residential area... yeah. He and Craig had been here before, on day two. They spent the night in one of these houses, that was right. Then came the morning they'd set off out again, finding themselves in the town center. Then all that crazy shit happened, and he even managed to beat up Nik fucking Kronwall. Good times. Well, they would've been great times if he could only swat away the gnawing gnat on his brain.

Something's not right.

He took another look around.

His shit really was gone - DICKS - but more importantly, so was Craig. That was weird. The guy hadn't left his side for one second while they'd been here, and now he'd just vanished without a word? No way. It didn't add up. His bags weren't even next to Trent's body, so where the fuck was he? A lash of pain whipped his head as he tried to stand, sending him back down to the floor in writhing agony.


Fuck, fuck!

Stop. Hurting!

Teeth securely locked in place around his knuckles, he screamed into his fist before attempting that whole standing business again. This time though, he'd be much more steady. He didn't want another train to "Fuckthatreallyfuckin'hurtsville. And so he did, much more slowly, much more stiff, he gradually got to his feet before giving out a quality sigh and letting himself fall back onto the wall.

A third look around the little settlement showed signs of people still being there, which worried him. Were they the ones who brought him here? Who knew. What was he going to do without a weapon and a giant head wound, anyway? Bleed on them? Do a little head-banging to see how many shakes it would take to dislocate his brain from his skull? Fuck that. He needed his things and he needed his friends.

Vi, Craig, you just wait. I'm gonna find you guys, and then the three of us are gettin' the fuck outta here while the gettin's good.

And with shaky, fumbling steps - fuuuuck the paaaain - he wandered his way towards the fountain which, he hoped, would still have his things.

((Trent Savage continued in Reduction))
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Post by Solitair† »


Cass looked up, and she almost couldn't believe her eyes. Days ago, she and Maria had a joyous reunion, and promised to find their friend, Duncan McMahon. Then other matters came up, matters like Warren dying, them getting involved with Zach and his posse and Maria's accidental murder. Maria broke down, and Cass felt like she was heading to the madhouse herself.

Then Duncan walked in, the first good news that either of them had seen in a long, long time, just when Cassie needed it. She looked up, smiling with quivering lips and tears in her eyes, and watched Maria and Duncan hug each other tightly, the two of them probably more happy to see each other than Cassie was to see him.

As the two of them embraced, the other boy quietly excused himself, talking about someone else he had to find. "Alright, good luck man!" she said to him as he left. It didn't occur to her to ask his name until it was too late. All she knew was the name of his friend, Carly.

She lied on her back, next to Maria and Duncan, and looked up at the ceiling. The three of them would be inseparable from this point on, braving whatever dangers the island had for them as long as they could. But now they lacked a goal. They needed something to do here.

"Now what?" Cassie asked. "Should we try to find some other people who're escaping?"
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Post by Super Llama† »

"Now what? Should we try to find some other people who're escaping?"

Maria looked up from Duncan's shoulder at Cass as she brought up what they're going to do now. To be honest, trying to figure out a means of escape wasn't really among the first things on Maria's mind after the succession of really bad things that had been happening lately. Before she could figure out any kind of long term plan, she wanted to gather everybody together first, and though Duncan had finally arrived, they were still missing Max. And even then, she just didn't have the smarts for coming up with an escape plan. She'd heard before about how thorough the terrorists were with making sure nobody got off the island without their say-so, and anything she tried to come up with before had a pretty obvious solution to counter it. Finding somebody else, though...that sounded like an idea. There were probably escape groups all over the place, now, and one of them had to have a plan that's better than anything she could come up with.

"Yeah, I think that's a good place to start." Duncan answered before Maria could say anything, and she was left to just nod her head and agree with a "Y-yeah..." and a sniff. The weight of recent events were still bearing down on her, but at least she was starting to come out of her break down as she pulled back from Duncan.

"Uh...Maria?" Duncan said as he looked back at her. And then down some as he finally realized something. "When did you..."

Maria looked rather confused for a moment and looked down as well, and then remembered.

"Oh...yeah, I'm not wearing a shirt."


Maria's face flushed a bright shade of red as she sat there stiffly, looking around the room. "Did...did anyone bring my..." Finally she spotted it. "O-oh, there it is." She said, getting up quickly and moving to her pack so quickly she stumbled and almost fell over, zipping it open and rifling through it until she found the thick jacket she brought with her, putting it on. It was a rather plain-looking, brown jacket, that didn't really fit with the rest of her outfit, but she figured it would come in handy if it rained. Or if she took off her shirt because she thought it was on fire and then spent half a day in her bra and a mesh undershirt. But that one had to be the less likely scenario.

"Uh...s-should we go, then?" She finally said, rocking her arms back and forth a bit. The jacket was a little too baggy for her liking. She probably should've tried it on before buying it.

"Huh? Oh, o-okay." Duncan said, having turned red as well and averted his gaze, trying to think of other things. Maria had obviously just gone through hell, and the last thing she needed right now was somebody ogling her.

Though he had to admit, underneath that shirt she really did have some good-looki-DAMMIT, FOCUS.

"Um, yeah. We should go. L-look for somebody with a plan. ...A-an escape plan, I mean." He said, stumbling over his words as he gladly accepted the role of Captain Obvious. Walking out to grab his pack and stick, he realized that Trent wasn't were he was a moment ago.

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Post by Solitair† »

Cassie was pleased by their reaction to her plan. Maria seemed a bit hesitant until Duncan got on board, at which point she followed him along with it. "Alright, let's g-o!" she said, getting back up and reaching down for her javelin. That was when Maria commented on her shirtlessness, which had escaped Cassie's notice until then. She turned around to see her quickly putting on a brown jacket, which sadly clashed with the rest of Maria's outfit. Sure, her outfit clashed horribly anyway, but every piece of it was equally clashing. The jacket, on the other hand, was abnormal in its normality; it looked like it would vanish into the walls, leaving Maria shirtless again.

Cassie briefly considered lending Maria the patchwork abomination she wore over her torso. But that wouldn't work, she realized. Maria was a bit too tall, and that would probably be too tight on her, anyway. Maria would just have to make do until... until... until something. Cassie didn't know what.

With daypack and javelin in hand, she was on her way out the door and back into the wilderness, finally getting on the move again, when Duncan said, "Huh?"

"'Huh?' What's 'huh'?" she asked Duncan. "You see something?" Cassie turned her head and looked all around, not seeing anything really important. Just trees and houses, same as before.

((Cassidy will continue in Final Third Foul with Duncan and Maria))
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Post by Super Llama† »

"" Duncan said as Cassidy asked if he saw something. Though in this case, it wasn't what he saw as much as what he didn't see. Did Trent just get up and walk away? Did someone show up and drag him away? Duncan was confused as hell right now, and part of him wanted to stick around and search for him, but another part wanted to get Maria out of here.

After a moment, the second part won.

Uh...good luck, then. He thought as he walked back to Maria and Cassidy. "I-it's nothing. Let's go." He said, sticking next to Maria as the two of them wandered off in some arbitrary direction, Cassidy following after. Neither he or Maria cared which way they were going, as long as it took them the hell out of this town.

{{continued in Final Third Foul}}
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