Complex Heaven

[about to drop the shortest one-shot of 2016] [ONE-SHOT] [duh...]

The area around Cochise High School is a quiet, sleepy place, composed almost entirely of small-to-medium-sized houses, with a couple apartment buildings on the far edges. The architecture of the area has a rustic feel to it, featuring lots of stucco and pastel colors, and many of the houses are extremely similar in floor plan due to being largely designed by one architect during a period of growth in the city, lending the area a feeling of sameness. The neighborhood exudes a friendly atmosphere between its twists and turns and tree-lined streets, and indeed the people in the area are known for their hospitality and welcoming nature to those around them, helping their neighbors out whenever necessary.
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Complex Heaven


Post by Riki »

[[Fiyori Senay, continued from My Friends Are Assholes]]

"Where'd you get that thing from?"

"What thing?"

"That thing."

"This? From the kitchen."

"No, you dumbass, the other thing."

Birikti Senay. A tall-standing woman, a low-end chef, a cold-hearted wife. But worst of all, Fiyori Senay's mother. A breathing puzzle, got married to an English teacher and the only word she ever uses for things is... well, thing!

Fiyori munched on her banana. Her mother, she liked to pretend that Fiyori could read her mind. Or maybe she figured the tone, volume and pitch of her voice would relate accurate information about the fucking thing she meant by thing. Now, Fiyori was in a dilemma. Or maybe a Catch-22. A situation she has found herself in way too often. No clue what the thing was this time. If she guessed, she'd be reprimanded for 'acting dumb'. If she did not, she would be yelled at for 'ignoring' her mother.

A mental coin was flipped.

It landed on the edge?

"I don't know what you mean. Be a bit more precise."

Birikti glared at her daughter, probably collecting energy to Fus Do Rah Fiyori out of the window. To the surprise of everyone, she instead gave a helpful reply.

"That Mario thing. You know, the video game."


Yeah, she still had Darius' game. Mario Kart. He was so busy conceiving a bunch of 3DSlite he forgot that there was a game he was still missing. Fiyori didn't see him since then. She wondered when he figured out she had it. Whether he figured it out. She would've made a bet on it, but there was nobody fun she could reach that afternoon.

"A friend forgot it somewhere. Got a hold of it, giving it back once I see him tomorrow."

That was a creative way of putting it, but she couldn't be truthful with Birikti. Sounded like teenage crap, yeah, but she really couldn't understand Fiyori. Or maybe she could and just didn't gave a damn.

Birikti's anger seemed to dissolve. But so did Fiyori's good mood. Such was family life.

"Alright. Was that so difficult?"


"Now piss off."

[[Fiyori Senay, continued in Tank!]]
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